
Experience Darkroom on Your Smartphone: Introducing This Week's App 'Darkr' | Release #198


cover image by nejimaki

In today's digital photography world, it's common to check photos immediately after taking them. However, behind this convenience lies the manual processes of the film photography era. Developing in a darkroom was a crucial process for creators to complete their photographs. The app 'Darkr - Black And White Filter' revives the charm of the darkroom in the modern age.

Genuine Darkroom Experience in Your Hand

'Darkr - Black And White Filter' is featured as 'This Week's App' for allowing users to experience the analog photo development process digitally.

When you open the app, an interface unfolds that makes you feel as if you've stepped into a darkroom. It faithfully recreates the series of tasks in a darkroom, such as mixing developing solutions, adjusting development time, and test printing, allowing you to easily enjoy the charm of film photography.


© Darkr

Diverse Camera Options

'Darkr - Black And White Filter' offers various camera options such as 'LARGE-FORMAT', 'MEDIUM-FORMAT', and 'POCKET-CAMERA'. This allows users to choose a camera that suits their shooting style and enjoy different film textures. Whether you want to emphasize graininess or achieve deeper tones, you can select the film according to the situation.


© Darkr

The Joy of Experimentation and Discovery

The major appeal of 'Darkr - Black And White Filter' is the joy of experimentation and discovery. With digital development, there are no material costs no matter how much you experiment. This allows users to try various development methods and find their own unique expression. You can also learn how changing development time or solution composition affects the final result of the photo.


© Darkr

Enjoying the Process

'Darkr - Black And White Filter' offers a unique sense of accomplishment that cannot be achieved by simply applying filters to photos. By enjoying the analog photo process, you create a depth and charm that is different from mere digital images. Valuing the process over the result deepens your attachment to the photos.

'Darkr - Black And White Filter' is an app that allows the digital generation to rediscover the charm of analog. Even those accustomed to modern conveniences can enjoy the fun and satisfaction of manual work. Try it once and experience the magic of the darkroom. It will broaden your world of photography.