
Experience a Unique Selfie Adventure | Focus #178


cover image by me..

"Taking selfies might feel a bit narcissistic and embarrassing..."

Some people might have such thoughts. However, the concept of selfie culture has existed for a long time, with many artists engaging in similar endeavors. We hope this article encourages those who have never tried taking selfies before.

(Don't miss our article on the thoughts about selfies!)

For a Unique Selfie Experience

Many young people are now eagerly taking selfies. What's important when taking selfies is to "keep taking them consistently" and to "be mindful of the message".

The famous photographer Weegee reportedly took 1,500 self-portraits during his career. Additionally, the 90-year-old active photographer Kimiko Nishimoto has gained attention with her unique series that includes self-deprecating humor. Even pioneers considered "what they wanted to convey with their selfies" and produced numerous outputs.

Above all, selfies are a fun way to express yourself and capture memories, and they can also be art. Capture the moments you cherish and explore a new world that you want to show to someone. Below, we introduce examples that can inspire your selfies.

A Snapshot at the Start or End of the Day

By taking a selfie at the start or end of the day, you can record your mood and events of the day. In the morning, use natural light to softly capture your facial expressions in the fresh light. At night, use warm indoor lighting to create a relaxed atmosphere.


Image by yNAK

A Silhouette Shot

Using sunlight or streetlight to create a silhouette selfie offers a unique experience. By standing with the light behind you, the silhouette emerges, allowing for a dramatic shot. In silhouette photography, the background colors and light intensity are crucial, so timing the shutter release is key to success.


Image by 田中ハル

A Shot Using the Car Rearview Mirror

Have you ever taken a selfie using a car's rearview mirror? Using the rearview mirror allows for unique and stylish photos. Since the background also appears, choosing the right background is important. Adjust the light reflection and take the photo when it's not too bright.


Image by NOBU

(We also recommend articles that consider photos as a metaphor for rearview mirrors!)

A Moment to Remember

Capture moments you want to remember, like the start of a journey or an event, with a selfie. It's recommended to capture the scenery you saw at that time with the camera. Selfies have the power to deeply embed decisive moments in your life into memory.


Image by TwiggyBBT

An Extraordinary Shot While Traveling

While traveling, it's recommended to take selfies with the unique scenery and culture of the place in the background. By incorporating yourself into tourist spots or nature, you can capture extraordinary landscapes in photos. Consider the balance with the background and aim for a bright and clear shot using natural light effectively.


Image by ishii

How was it?
Selfies can be a means to capture your perspective in photos, from everyday moments to special events. Please try to enjoy selfies casually in various scenes, using the tips introduced this time. The most important thing is to start.

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