
Unmissable Celestial Show in June: Summer Night Sky | Release #178


cover image by あおねこ

Photography enthusiasts, in June, you can observe a celestial show with Venus and Mars shining brightly in the night sky. Although the nights are short and the rainy season continues, there should be plenty of great photo opportunities in the clear air after the rain. Take your camera and go out to capture these astronomical phenomena.

Capture the Close Approach of the Moon and Jupiter

On the night of Saturday, June 3, 2024, to Sunday, June 4, 2024, pay attention to the southern sky.

Around 9 PM, Jupiter shines brightly in the Tokyo sky. Slightly to the east, you can also see Spica, the brightest star in the constellation Virgo.


© Weathernews Inc. | Southern sky around 9 PM on Sunday, June 4 (Tokyo)

During this period, the moon, slightly rounded after the first quarter, approaches Jupiter. Although not as bright as a full moon, the gentle glow of the moon and Jupiter will beautifully illuminate the first weekend night of June. Be sure to capture it with your camera.

Venus at Its Brightest: Greatest Eastern Elongation

On Sunday, June 4, 2024, Venus will reach its 'Greatest Eastern Elongation' in the western sky at dusk.

What is Greatest Eastern Elongation?

The Greatest Eastern Elongation is the phenomenon where Venus is farthest east from the Sun as seen from Earth. Because Venus orbits inside Earth's orbit, it can only be seen in the western sky after sunset (evening star) or in the eastern sky before sunrise (morning star). During the greatest elongation, Venus rises higher than usual, making it easier to observe.


© Weathernews Inc. | Western to west-northwestern sky around 8:30 PM on Sunday, June 4 (Tokyo)

On this day, Venus shines very brightly and stands out more than usual due to its higher altitude. Mars also shines near Venus.

How about it?

There are many other beautiful celestial shows in the June night sky. There's no need to go to a planetarium! Don't miss the opportunity after the rain to capture the beautiful night sky with your camera.