
Beautiful Effort in a Single Shot | Photographer natsu | ISSUE #22


Explore the sensibilities and thoughts of creators worldwide with 'ISSUE'. A source of new inspiration. In 'ISSUE #22', we introduce photographer natsu, the official curator of the cizucu-hosted photo contest 'Winter Magic', who has been active in various communities for over 10 years.

Passion for Photography in the Digital Age

For over 10 years, natsu has been holding a camera. Her Instagram account boasts an impressive 19,000 photo posts. This number speaks volumes beyond mere digits. Posting 19,000 photos over 10 years means uploading about 5 photos a day. While it's easy to say digitalization has made things convenient, few can maintain such a prolific output. Utilizing the convenience of digital cameras, natsu's dedication reflects her special love for photography and her persistent nature.


Image by natsu

From Photo Diary to Deepening Interest in Photography

natsu started like many others, posting photos taken with a smartphone camera on Instagram. Incidentally, Instagram at its launch was more akin to a photo diary, unlike the high-quality images prevalent today.


Image by natsu

As her followers gradually transitioned to DSLRs, natsu's interest in photography deepened. Her first camera was a Nikon beginner model. She experimented with various brands like Pentax, Fujifilm, and Canon before settling on the SONY α7 IV. While experiencing the colors and characteristics of each camera, she found SONY's lightweight yet precise shooting capabilities to be a perfect fit. Over the past decade, natsu has captured a wide range of genres, from daily life snapshots to landscapes, trains, and flowers, eventually focusing on landscape photography.

Learning Naturally Among Photography Enthusiasts

In her early days, natsu attended photography classes to learn basic techniques and composition. However, she gained much of her actual photography skills through interactions on Instagram and other communities, as well as on-site experiences. Advice from experienced photographers significantly influenced her skill development. "There's much to learn from other photographers. Meeting various photographers at shooting locations broadened my perspective," natsu reflects. She actively scouts locations, drawing inspiration from photographers' posts on Instagram, especially on weekends.


Image by natsu

Every scouting trip introduces her to new genres of photographers, guiding her to the next destination. natsu's stories reflect a positive cycle for enjoying her time.

The Effort Behind Capturing a Snowy Landscape

Winter photography poses challenges due to weather conditions, but natsu puts in tremendous effort to beautifully capture frost and snowy landscapes. Weather forecasts aren't always accurate, and walking in snowy mountains or waiting for the perfect moment in harsh cold is quite demanding. "The sunrise or sunset light seen after overcoming such hardships is exceptionally beautiful," natsu shares. Cold weather preparation is crucial, and meeting an elderly photographer using a traditional hand warmer adds a retro charm to the story.


Image by natsu

That's why beautiful winter photos convey not only beauty but also the photographer's determination. natsu is often drawn to works that reflect the struggles of other photographers. She strives to capture photos that inspire exploration and evoke a sense of adventure in viewers. Such winter photos tell a story and ignite a longing for adventure.


Image by natsu

How was it? We hope natsu's interview has provided new inspiration for your photography or viewing experience in the 'Winter Magic' photo contest. Enjoy your photography journey while appreciating behind-the-scenes stories from active photographers like natsu.



With over 10 years of photography experience, natsu is active as a member of various photography communities, including totaljapan, letview, total_nightjapan, and japan_great_view. She has won awards, such as the Grand Prize at the 65th Mie Tourism Photo Contest.

(cover image by natsu)