
Modern Life Seen Through Past Lifestyles | Focus #298


Cover photo by ⋆* 粋 -sui- ⋆*

Thank you for your many submissions to the recently held hashtag campaign .

A diverse range of works have gathered, from memories deep within each person's heart to scenes in daily life that evoke nostalgia.

Here are some of the most impressive works from this campaign.

Editor’s Choice #ノスタルジー


Photo by Hazuki 

Indeed, shopping street snaps are best on weekdays

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of the Tsuruhashi shopping street in Osaka. In recent years, the convenience of large supermarkets and shopping malls has reduced the number of people shopping at local stores. However, the familiarity and community presence unique to local shopping streets are irreplaceable. Feeling nostalgia for this shopping street scene may be somewhat sad, but it also reminds us of the charm of shopping streets.


Photo by me…

[Snow, snow, fall, fall]
As an adult, snow is a nuisance, but as a child, it was thrilling.
Wearing my favorite boots and gloves, the cold was secondary.

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of a parent and child walking in the snow. The contrast between the parent holding an umbrella and the child not holding one adds a nice touch. Seeing children enjoying themselves reminds us that even things we used to enjoy are now overshadowed by adult concerns. It brings back the feelings of those days and evokes nostalgia.


Photo by yuko.

Children's Treasures

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of many spinning tops. Recently, children's toys are becoming electronic devices, but will the day come when analog play is in the spotlight again? The handmade box made from a milk carton conveys warmth and nostalgia.

In Conclusion

Did you feel the beauty of reflecting on the landscapes and cultures of the good old days through these works?

By reflecting on nostalgic scenes and good old cultures, we can look back on our current lives. The secret to living well in the fast-paced everyday life may lie in the lifestyles of the past.

cizucu hosts hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire photographic activities. Register on the app and check out the latest content.