
Capturing the Pulse of the City | 10 Questions to Tsubasa Manufacturing | ISSUE #48


Cover photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Explore the sensibilities and thoughts of creators worldwide with 'ISSUE'. A source of new inspiration. This time, through 10 questions to cityscape photographer Tsubasa Manufacturing, we delve into the world of 'photography' and 'life' nurtured by capturing urban snaps.


Tsubasa Manufacturing

cizucu Certified Creator
Chasing urban landscapes in Tokyo

cizucu: Tsubasa Manufacturing / @tsubasa_mfg

Q1. Tell us about yourself

My photographer name is 'Maruomage'.
Originally from Hyogo Prefecture, I moved my base of operations from Osaka to Tokyo in 2004.

I established a one-person company, Tsubasa Manufacturing LLC, and as a photographer, I focus on urban landscapes as my main theme.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Q2. Tell us about your first memory of taking a photo

I don't remember my first shoot, but I recall that taking photos became a hobby during the winter break of my fifth grade in elementary school.

Our family's zone focus camera broke, and we had to replace it. At that time, my mother suggested, 'If we're replacing it, why not try an SLR?' and we bought a Canon T70 at Kitamura Camera.

Although it wasn't my camera, I felt like I monopolized it.

Back then, I often photographed the flowers blooming in our garden.

Q3. Why do you love photography now?

I love the process (operation) of using a camera to take photos.

I'm constantly challenging myself to see if I can capture the image as I envisioned it in my mind, and this has become an eternal theme that I enjoy.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Although I don't take photos for others' evaluations, I do enjoy it when someone says, 'Your photos are great.'

Q4. Tell us about a time you wanted to step away from photography

When I was in middle school, my eyesight temporarily worsened, and I couldn't manually focus properly. The prints that came back from development were all blurry, which was disheartening.

As a result, I stepped away from photography.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Q5. Tell us about the happiest moment in your life

I succeeded in my work, and my position and salary rose rapidly. Along with this, my work became extremely hard, and my entire life seemed to revolve around work.

People around me were concerned, asking, 'When do you sleep?' As a reward for myself, I purchased the car I had always dreamed of owning once I succeeded. It made me realize, 'If you keep dreaming and move forward earnestly, even an ordinary person like me can achieve their dreams.'


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

When the used car I had longed for was delivered, and I held the steering wheel, I felt the greatest happiness in my life. Although there have been many moments of happiness since then, this was the first.

Q6. Tell us about the angriest moment in your life

For some reason, I can't recall the specific memory, but I remember being extremely angry when something happened in my work that felt like the rug was pulled out from under the organization I was overseeing.

I wanted to shout, but I was so angry that my whole body trembled, and I couldn't speak. I couldn't control the shaking and just stood there. I was surprised to find that this is what happens when you get too angry.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Q7. Tell us about an experience that changed your life

The first was meeting the professors and friends in my university lab. I stumbled upon a Macintosh in a friend's lab and became completely absorbed.

At that time, I was immersed in what was called 'multimedia', even living in the lab. The four professors from the lab remain mentors in my life, and we stay connected even after graduation. This was the starting point of my career as a computer technician.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

The second was my work in system development and the success of the company I joined after changing jobs to an insurance company. I was involved in developing our in-house business system to establish an insurance company.
It was a painful birth, but we managed to complete it and start operations. The company continues to hold the No. 1 position in the industry. This success experience made me feel like a bigger person.

The third was my independence as a one-person company. I changed my life approach to focus only on what resonates with me, established a one-person company, included photography in the articles of incorporation, and started working as a photographer.

Q8. Tell us about your daily routine

I spend about 1 to 2 hours every morning photographing urban landscapes.

During the day, I engage in work other than photography, and at night, I work on developing, retouching, and writing about the day's photos. Before I know it, it's always close to midnight.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Q9. Tell us about a person who influenced you

First, the four professors I met in my university lab. With their teaching of 'Let's do exciting things with a diagonal thinking', I was able to experience many unknown events.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing

Next, the founder who started an insurance company from a venture. With teachings like 'Everything should be open', 'All employees should be managers', and 'Let's work on what resonates with us', I was able to change my thinking.

Finally, a photographer who captures urban landscapes. I was able to receive individual guidance through a web project, and it was a valuable experience that made me realize that urban landscapes are a theme that matches me.

Q10. Tell us about a book that influenced you

The four books are Kazuo Inamori's 'Kokoro.', Koichi Honda's 'Filling Every Day with Only What You Love', Lyle Rexer's photo book 'Marvin E. Newman', and Sho Niino's photo book 'Petalopolis'.


 Photo by Tsubasa Manufacturing