
4 Tips for Capturing Beautiful Bokeh | Knowledge #130


Cover photo by ⋆* 粋 -sui- ⋆*

The allure of bokeh photography lies in its ability to blur the background or foreground to make the subject stand out, creating depth and atmosphere.

In this article, we will delve into the four elements that enhance beautiful bokeh: aperture, focal length, distance between subject and camera, and distance between subject and background. Master these to enjoy capturing striking bokeh photos.

Aperture (F-Stop): The Basic Setting for Bokeh

The most crucial element for creating bokeh is the aperture. By setting a low F-stop (e.g., F1.8 or F2.8), you can narrow the focus range and significantly blur the background.


Photo by 好 | Kodai Yamashita

Using the 'Aperture Priority Mode' on DSLR or mirrorless cameras allows easy adjustment of the aperture, making it convenient. Especially in portrait photography, a blurred background makes the subject stand out more, adding a three-dimensional feel to the photo.

Focal Length: Emphasizing Bokeh with Telephoto Lenses

Lenses with longer focal lengths tend to blur the background more easily. For instance, with medium telephoto lenses like 50mm or 85mm, you can create beautiful bokeh with depth by slightly increasing the distance between the subject and the background. Prime lenses are also ideal for emphasizing bokeh due to their small maximum aperture.


Photo by the Oji brown

By being mindful of the focal length and choosing lenses accordingly, you can draw out even more effective bokeh.

Distance Between Subject and Camera: Achieving Soft Bokeh by Getting Closer

The distance between the subject and the camera greatly affects bokeh. The closer you get to the subject, the more the background blurs, creating a soft impression in the photo. Especially in close-up shots, the background blurs significantly, making the subject stand out.


Photo by saciiiko

While this effect is harder to achieve with smartphones, using dedicated lenses or portrait mode can enhance the bokeh effect.

Distance Between Subject and Background: Creating Deep Bokeh with a Distant Background

Finally, the distance between the subject and the background also affects the depth of bokeh. The further the subject is from the background, the more the background blurs, allowing for photos with depth. By being mindful of the distance from the background when choosing a shooting location, you can create dramatic photos that utilize bokeh.


Photo by kahoru

If you want to add blur to the foreground, one technique is to place objects in front of the subject when shooting.