
New Photography Experience with Old Lenses | Knowledge #100


Cover photo by k.2SSD

Old lenses are lenses used during the era of film cameras, and they have recently gained popularity for their unique depiction, soft color tones, and affordability.

By combining them with digital cameras, you can enjoy new photographic expressions. This time, we explain the charm and basic usage of old lenses, introducing methods that even beginners can enjoy.

Exploring the Charm of Old Lenses

The greatest charm of old lenses is their unique depiction, which is not found in lenses for digital cameras. Effects such as bokeh, color bleeding, and flare offer a taste that modern lenses cannot reproduce.

By intentionally creating ghosting or flare in backlit conditions, you can capture nostalgic and dramatic photos. Elements like vignetting and chromatic aberration, often considered "flaws," are embraced as characteristics in old lenses. This allows for creative photography that differs from conventional shooting.


Photo by yuya4four

Preparing to Enjoy Old Lenses

To use old lenses, you need a mount adapter compatible with digital cameras. This adapter ensures compatibility by attaching between the lens and the camera, allowing you to utilize various old lenses. While they can be difficult to find, they are sold at general camera shops and online stores.

When starting out, it's recommended to begin with affordable old lenses. Standard lenses like Nikon's "Ai 50mm F1.4" or Canon's "FD 50mm F1.4" are relatively inexpensive and easy to handle, making them ideal for beginners.


Photo by なつこ

Photography Ideas with Old Lenses

Thinking about what kind of photos you want to take with old lenses is also important. In portrait photography, the unique bokeh and soft depiction enhance the subject. In landscape photography, you can create dramatic effects by utilizing backlighting. Understanding the characteristics of the lens and exploring shooting methods that utilize them increases the enjoyment of finding your own expression.


Photo by Misa Utsunomiya

Old lenses create a new photography experience that even beginners can easily start. Pursue your own creative expression and enjoy capturing the world from a new perspective.