Thank you all for your numerous submissions to !
From things that make you chuckle to those that make you worry about the owner, various works have been submitted. We will feature and introduce a few works from the submissions gathered during this campaign.
Editor’s Choice #LostItem
Tsubasa Mfg
I found myself laughing at how seriously I took multiple shots of this bread crumb, processing it to bring out the texture of the bread. 😆
cizucu Editorial Team
A lost breadcrumb. As mentioned in the caption, it was photographed multiple times to capture the texture of the bread seriously. We're glad you enjoyed this tag campaign. This bread is likely now in some animal's stomach, digested.
Ultra TakaBo-
Horse racing ticket at the racecourse
cizucu Editorial Team
A lost item at the racecourse. A ticket that carried many people's dreams turned into a piece of paper as soon as it lost. Perhaps it was thrown away out of the stress of losing. It was a unique submission as it allowed us to predict the owner's intentions and the background of the loss.
Perhaps they are no longer a beginner and can drive freely now
cizucu Editorial Team
A lost beginner's mark on the road. It might have just fallen off, but the fact that it's a beginner's mark adds a story. The driver of this car is likely no longer a beginner. If a beginner accidentally dropped it without noticing, it would be a violation, which is a bit concerning.
How was it?
Usually, you might not point your camera down, but you might discover something unexpected. It's not something you can aim to capture, but there's a charm that only comes from chance encounters.
If you find any lost items that make you want to capture them, please post them with !