
Dynamic Lights of SpaceX Adorning the Night Sky | Release #103


cover image by あおねこ

SpaceX Light Trails Illuminating the Night Sky

On March 30, 2024, SpaceX launched the Falcon 9 rocket twice. Photographer Jeremy Perez, residing in Arizona, captured the Falcon 9 returning to Earth after its space mission. His photos left a mysterious impression on viewers.

The first rocket was launched from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. About four hours later, another rocket carrying SpaceX's Starlink satellites took off from Florida as well.

Jeremy planned to photograph the first rocket's flight near his home, but due to unfavorable weather and cloud cover, he failed. However, he seized the next opportunity, moved to a clear location within four hours, and successfully captured the second rocket.


© Jeremy Perez’s | Rocket light trails captured by Jeremy

Capturing the Dynamics of Light with Long Exposure

His successful photograph captured a streak of blue light stretching across the night sky, created by the rocket moving through the atmosphere, followed by distinctive trails formed by the Starlink satellites.

The dotted patterns in the photograph are the result of long exposure techniques. Jeremy used a technique where the shutter was open for 4 seconds, followed by a 1-second pause, creating unique trails. In another shot, he used a 2.5-second exposure with a 1-second pause to capture finer trails.

Jeremy's Passion for Space Photography

Jeremy states that his goal in photography is "to make the phenomena of the distant world of space feel closer to more people."

Currently, he is preparing to photograph the total solar eclipse occurring on April 8, 2024, somewhere with his camera ready. We send our best wishes to him as he continues to pursue his passion for capturing the theme of space.