
Photography is Fun: Positive Effects on Emotions | Knowledge #17


Don't you feel happy when taking photos?

The joy of capturing something tangible, the stories that begin with a single photo. Photography is a tool that enhances our happiness for many reasons. The idea that photography brings happiness is not just a personal theory but is supported by credible social science experiments. This time, we introduce research related to the positive effects of photography on people.

Examining the Positive Emotions from Photography

A study conducted by Yu Chen and his research group at the University of California, Irvine, investigates how taking photos with a smartphone affects people's positive emotions (positive affect).
41 participants were divided into three groups and took one photo per day for four weeks, following three different photography themes. Here are the three themes:

  1. Taking selfies of their own smiles
  2. Photographing something that makes them happy
  3. Photographing something believed to make others happy

Finding Happiness in Taking Selfies

The act of taking selfies leads to self-acceptance and increased confidence. Participants found that by photographing their smiles, they naturally smiled more over time, boosting their self-esteem.

Selfies are a form of modern self-expression. By photographing ourselves, we can rediscover and build confidence. For example, by recording daily changes, we can appreciate personal growth and transformation. This helps in boosting self-esteem and forming a positive self-image.

Check out the article below for more insights on the meaning of selfies.

Photography Beautifies Memories and Turns Them into Joyful Recollections

Photographing things that make you happy helps you notice the small joys in everyday life. In this photography theme, participants gained a deeper understanding of their sources of happiness in daily life and were able to prolong the joy of those moments.


Image by yuya4four

For instance, by capturing happy times with family and friends or the beautiful scenery of a trip, you can relive the joy of those moments repeatedly. Over time, photos become symbols of beautiful memories, reigniting positive emotions.

Capturing Many Smiling Faces Enriches Relationships

Photographing things believed to make others happy contributes to improving human relationships. Sending photos to others reduced stress and strengthened social connections among participants.

Smiles have the power to amplify happiness. By taking many photos of smiles, we can naturally have a positive impact on those around us. Seeing photos of smiles reminds us of the happiness of those moments and helps us notice the small joys in everyday life.


Image by fujikko

This research reveals that photography is an important tool for enhancing our psychological well-being. Photography functions as a medium that helps us recognize happiness in our daily lives. With the ease of taking photos, we may notice small emotional changes more easily than in times without photography, leading to a greater sense of happiness.

(cover image by usubafilm)