
Revisiting Media Theory through the Rearview Mirror | Knowledge #13


The Proposition 'The Medium is the Message'

Marshall McLuhan's proposition 'The medium is the message' forms the core of media studies theory. This assertion highlights the fact that media, more than just a means of transmitting information, profoundly influences our thoughts and actions. McLuhan exemplifies this by stating, 'The effects of radio are quite independent of its programming.' This expression suggests that while we often focus on content when thinking of media, it is actually the form that has a greater impact on people.

Consciousness Shifts Triggered by New Media

For instance, Instagram fulfills the immediate desire for approval through photos and videos, while LINE and Messenger make us feel closer to friends, illustrating how new media deeply embed in our daily lives and alter our consciousness.

At the same time, McLuhan questions 'how new media transform previous media experiences.' For example, how have we reinterpreted and utilized traditional photography experiences with the advent of digital photography? Here, McLuhan introduces the 'rearview mirror theory,' providing a key to understanding the impact of modern digital media.

Modern Digital Photography and Media Experience

In this theory, McLuhan expresses, 'We look at the present through a rearview mirror. We march backwards into the future.' The essential message of a new media environment is not easily recognized by those immersed in it. Therefore, modern media can be metaphorically defined through past technologies, like a rearview mirror.


The proliferation of digital photography, unlike traditional photography, has introduced immediacy in capturing and sharing photos. This is not merely a technical advancement but also influences our perception and value of photography, as well as its purpose. For instance, photos intended for sharing on social media serve as a means of communication, impacting our methods of self-expression and interaction with society. Today, photography is an indispensable tool for viewing, remembering, and sharing our world.

Nostalgia Created by Technology

On the other hand, the emergence of specific media can diminish past sensations. For example, taxi-hailing apps have made the worry of not finding a taxi a thing of the past, but have introduced new concerns like phone battery life and message misdelivery. In the era of public phones, we worried about having enough coins or finding a nearby booth; now, we worry about finding a mobile battery rental booth and when to return it. In a future where smartphones can self-generate power and be used indefinitely, mobile battery rental booths might become nostalgic.


Image by Shimakou

In essence, while new technology resolves old concerns, it also creates new ones.

In fact, McLuhan had already foreseen the kind of future we witness today in the 20th century. Watching his interview videos clarifies his emphasis on the 'importance of looking back at the past,' as he metaphorically compared it to a rearview mirror. Even as the world becomes more convenient, worries themselves may never disappear.