We invite you to participate in a special photo contest in collaboration with Nankai Electric Railway, set against the vibrant colors of Sakai City. With the theme of 'Color,' capture the diverse allure of this historic city. Discover the interplay of history and modernity at street corners, the rich hues of nature, and the vibrant individuality and stories woven by local culture and life. Along the Nankai line, including Sakai City, you will encounter colorful personalities through buildings, the beauty of the sea and mountains, distinctive shops, and traditional coffee houses. Rediscover the hidden charm of Sakai City and capture those moments in your photographs. We eagerly await the stories woven by your creativity and the colors of Sakai City. As an innovative startup, we have been selected for the Sakai City project "Reiwa 5th Year Sakai City Startup Demonstration Promotion Project (Trial Round Table)." * Entries that violate the guidelines set by our company ( https://www.cizucu.com/terms/guideline ) will not be eligible for judging. * Winners may be contacted by the cizucu team to obtain personal information such as addresses.
Offline exhibition at the presentation ceremony
The contest is not offered by Apple Inc. or Google Inc. For more details, please check the Terms of Use of cizucu.