
Everyday Signs and Billboards as Subjects | Focus #328


Cover photo by akira

The joy of photography lies in discovering new perspectives on everyday things that are often overlooked. Retro signs and unique billboards in the city are excellent themes for creative photography.

This time, we introduce the charm of each subject and offer tips for capturing them. Why not enjoy the moment when an ordinary place turns into art through your camera?

Stories Encoded in Retro Signs


Photo by masakun

Showa-era signs and hand-painted advertisements develop a unique texture over time, enhancing their appeal as subjects. The nostalgia of faded letters and paint can be easily captured with a smartphone or camera.

When shooting, pay attention to the angle of light that highlights the aging process, creating a more profound image. It might also be interesting to imagine the history behind the sign before pressing the shutter.

Discovering Humor in Unusual Signs


Photo by どさんこみっちゃん

Unusual signs seen in the city or countryside can bring out unexpected humor hidden in everyday life. Signs with animal silhouettes, for instance, are popular themes for social media due to their eye-catching nature. Near military bases, you might even capture signs warning of tank crossings.

When photographing signs, consider the balance with the background and the contrast with the surrounding scenery to create a more impactful composition. If you find a unique sign, it's also recommended to share it with a story of the place.

Capturing the Harmony of Nature and Man-Made Structures


Photo by sukko

Man-made structures standing amidst nature create a visual contrast. For example, a vending machine placed in a rural landscape or a bus stop in the highlands exudes a unique presence as a subject. Signs and billboards also have moments when they stand out.

When shooting, consider how the man-made object blends into or stands out from nature, and craft your composition accordingly. By shooting according to the season or weather, you can enjoy different impressions of the same place.