
Capture the Unexpected with Your Camera | Focus #309


Cover photo by garçon

The hashtag campaign for #偶然 is ongoing until Wednesday, September 25!

In today's fast-paced world, the value of photography as a medium to freeze time and capture moments is believed to be increasing.

Capturing unexpected scenes or moments of surprise in photos can add great value to them.

Let's explore the beauty of photos captured by chance in various situations with examples!

#偶然 × #streetsnap

Urban landscapes might be a perfect match.

Especially in cities, new stores frequently open, and the scenery changes rapidly. What you discover today might not be there tomorrow...
Grab your camera and capture it now!


Photo by Tsubasa Mfg

#偶然 × #pets

Pets are unpredictable, making it possible to capture wonderful photos if you always have your camera ready.

Share the adorable moments of your beloved family members!


Photo by 愛犬と野球

#偶然 × #everyday

Even at home, unexpected photo opportunities arise.

Changes in climate and seasons affect our lives. Photos of everyday trivial events often become precious records when looked back upon.


Photo by Beautiful day

#偶然 × #photowalk

While walking outside, interesting scenes are everywhere.

Be sure to post your photos taken during walks with the tag #お写んぽ.


Photo by nuruyu

In Conclusion

How was it?

When you think of #偶然, you might imagine impactful and highly unexpected photos, but capturing subtle discoveries and realizations is just as valuable!

Why not look back through your photo folder and post past events with captions, or take your camera for a walk to discover in the city?

At cizucu, we run hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire photography activities. Register on the app and check out the latest content.