
Tips for Capturing Beautifully Moving Animals at the Zoo | Focus #263


Currently, the hashtag campaign for 〈#animal〉 is ongoing. Please post photos of your pets or animals at the zoo.

This time, we focus on photography at the zoo, introducing tips for capturing animals beautifully with examples.

Photographing Moving Subjects

As a basic premise, animals won't stay still just because you're taking a photo. You need to capture them without blur while they're moving.

Adjust your camera settings and set the shutter speed to around 1/1000 seconds. If the lighting is insufficient in indoor exhibits, lower it to the point where it doesn't cause blur.


Image by sato

Shooting from Areas with Low Fences or Moats

When you enter the zoo, there are various animals. Start with those surrounded by low fences or moats, where there are fewer obstacles between you and the animals.
Animals like zebras, which you don't have to worry about jumping away, or those in petting areas fall into this category.


Image by おさるの写真家

Shooting Through Fences

Next, try photographing animals inside cages surrounded by fences.
You might find the fences obstructive, but under certain conditions, you can capture photos where the fences aren't noticeable.


Image by 風待人

Here, prepare a telephoto lens. The longer the lens, the better.
Pay attention to the distance between the camera and the fence, and between the fence and the animal.

Select animals that are far from the fence, and bring the camera as close to the fence as possible. Open the aperture and focus on the animal in the background. If you can't focus well, switch to manual focus and adjust using the focus ring.

This way, you can take photos where the fence lines are hardly visible.


Image by しろくてしろい

Shooting Through Glass

For large animals or predators, you'll be shooting through glass or acrylic.

If you're not careful, your reflection might appear in the photo.

To prevent this, press the lens directly against the glass. If you can't press the lens against the glass, wearing black clothing can minimize the impact of any reflections.


Image by おさるの写真家

In Conclusion

How was it?
Zoo animals won't respond to your requests or pose for the camera.

However, they show their natural selves, so keep your camera ready to capture those charming moments.
Why not plan a visit to the zoo during the hashtag campaign?

We eagerly await your posts!

At cizucu, we host hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire your photography activities. Register on the app and check out the latest content.