
Portraits with Game Characters? In-game Photography | Knowledge #51


cover image by tamu1500

Photographs Capturing Virtual Reality

You might think of photography as capturing real-world landscapes and moments with a traditional camera. However, with digital advancements, equally stunning and moving photographs are being taken in the world of video games. In-game photography is an activity that explores new forms of photographic expression. This time, we explain how photographs taken within games can be as captivating as, or even more so than, real photographs.


@ Tama Art University Art & Media Course

What is In-game Photography?

In-game photography refers to photographs taken within video games. These are not mere screenshots but professional photographs taken using the game's 'photo mode'. In photo mode, you can adjust settings like shutter speed, aperture, and depth of field, offering an experience close to real camera operation. This new form of photographic expression leverages the beautiful graphics of games to capture moments that cannot be photographed in reality.

Simulated Camera

The camera operation in photo mode simulates actual camera settings. Players can adjust shutter speed, aperture, and depth of field, allowing them to create unique works through a process akin to real photography.

Notable Examples

・Eva and Franco Mattes: They have presented works exploring the boundary between virtual and real by taking avatar portraits in Second Life.


© Eva and Franco Mattes

  • COLL.EO: They create works that utilize the beautiful landscapes within games, such as turning Italian landscapes from the Forza series into postcards.



・Claire Hentschker: She expresses game visuals in new forms, such as averaging scenes from the video game 'GTA V' to generate fantastical images.


© Claire Hentschker:

The Appeal of In-game Photography

This method of expression possesses an aesthetic different from traditional photography, capturing the game world's atmosphere from a new perspective. As digital technology evolves, the scope of this expression continues to expand.

Deepening Knowledge

In-game photography, as a new art form of the digital age, requires different techniques and sensibilities from traditional photography. By exploring the game world's atmosphere and beauty, it is possible to capture fantastical moments not seen in reality.

Elements of Storytelling

Moreover, it possesses elements of storytelling, not just visual beauty. By capturing game scenes and character moments in photographs, players can visually express their own stories.

Social Impact and Future

In-game photography is beginning to influence not only the gaming community but also the general art scene. Works utilizing game photo modes are increasingly being showcased in galleries and exhibitions, drawing attention as a new form of digital art.

Furthermore, with the development of VR (virtual reality) technology, the possibilities for in-game photography are expected to expand even further. Through free movement and realistic experiences in virtual spaces, more creative photographic expressions are anticipated.

In-game photography represents an intriguing area showcasing the fusion of digital technology and art. These works go beyond mere screenshots, using simulated cameras within games to offer realistic textures and new visual appeal.