
34 Years of Records: The Universe Captured by Hubble Space Telescope's Camera | Release #204


cover image by 愛犬と野球

The Hubble Space Telescope is a space telescope launched by NASA in 1990. It is used to observe stars and galaxies in distant space that cannot be seen from Earth. Over the past 34 years, the Hubble Space Telescope has captured numerous astonishing images and played a crucial role in unraveling the mysteries of the universe.

Hubble as a Camera

Hubble captures celestial bodies deep in space with its highly advanced camera and lenses. The camera on Hubble has a much higher resolution than ordinary cameras, allowing it to capture fine details.

Hubble is equipped with a device called a 'gyroscope'. This functions to maintain the telescope's precise orientation in space, acting like a tripod for the camera, essential for capturing sharp, blur-free images in the dark expanse of space. However, recently, there have been successive failures of these gyroscopes, significantly impacting Hubble's operations.


Transition to One-Gyro Mode to Reduce Strain

With only one gyroscope remaining, NASA has shifted to operating in 'one-gyro mode'. While this mode takes longer to point at new celestial targets, it can extend the operational lifespan of the telescope.

There was also a plan to lower Hubble's altitude back to its initial 600 kilometers, but due to the high risks involved in the process, it was abandoned. NASA continues to operate in the current 'one-gyro mode'.


Hubble continues to capture stunning photographs and make scientific discoveries. Recently, it captured the 'LED 6430 galaxy'. Even with the advent of the new James Webb Space Telescope, Hubble still plays an important role. NASA plans to operate Hubble for as long as possible.

How do you feel about it?

Through the photos of the universe observed by Hubble, our world continues to expand. We hope to continue watching Hubble's achievements for a long time.

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