cover image by まるう
Hoshino Gen's Song 'Film'
'Film' is a track from Hoshino Gen's album 'Stranger'. This album, filled with the unique sensibility and soothing musical style of early Hoshino Gen, is beloved by many fans. By viewing the lyrics of 'Film' from a photographic perspective, one can uncover deeper messages.
The Relationship Between Film and Memory
'Like a smile, there are many things in this world, beautiful scenery, how much of it is true?'
This part questions whether what we see is truly reality.
Society is built on human relationships, but often people show only superficial smiles without revealing their true feelings. This is similar to how a photograph captures a part of reality. When we look at a photo, we remember the moment, but often the true emotions behind it remain unknown.
Film Photography as a Symbol of Nostalgia
Even in the age of digital cameras, film photography holds a special charm.
'Like film, in the depths of our eyes, how much of what we've lost can we see?'
This lyric conveys the nostalgia associated with film photography. Once a photo is taken on film, it cannot be redone.

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Cherishing the Moment
'Electricity can't capture the darkness, to burn it in, yes, bring lies too, come before me.'
The lyrics convey the message of cherishing the present moment.
Photography is similar, capturing a moment to preserve it forever. Hoshino Gen emphasizes the importance of valuing the small joys and beauties of everyday life.
Differences Between Film and Digital
The differences between digital and film photography are key to understanding the lyrics of 'Film'.
'If we're going to do it, let's tell a lie, even if it's a bitter end, let's create it with a smile.'
This part speaks to the beauty found in the fleeting chances and the accidental noise or imperfections of film photography. It symbolizes the importance of cherishing every moment in life.

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Hopes and Fears for the Future
'No matter what, even if nights come that tear your heart apart, you'll remember everything, won't you? Raising your voice, so happy you could jump, such days are bound to happen.' These lyrics express hopes and fears for the future. Like film photography, every painful and beautiful moment remains as a memory, coloring our lives.
What do you think?
Just like the lyrics of the song, we too should cherish each moment captured in the film of our lives and live with a rich heart.