
Best Value Films You Can't Have Enough Of | Release #149


cover image by Sentimental_Jong

With film prices rising, finding a budget-friendly option can be challenging. But don't give up just yet. This time, we're introducing a special film that offers excellent value for money and significantly enhances your photography enjoyment.

Affordable Prices for Stocking Up

The ISO800 film from is particularly attractive due to its affordable price. For instance, a 3-pack of 35mm color negative film costs 8,480 yen (including tax), which is about 2,800 yen per roll. For 120mm, a 3-pack is 3,780 yen (including tax), approximately 1,260 yen per roll. While films are generally on the cheaper side, the high-sensitivity ISO 800 might be slightly more expensive among their products. However, compared to other high-sensitivity films from different brands that easily exceed 3,000 yen per roll, it offers excellent cost performance.


Image by Sentimental_Jong

Versatile for Night and Indoor Situations

Thanks to its high sensitivity, it performs well in many shooting scenes. It is ideal for snapshots at night or indoors since you can enjoy shooting in low-light conditions. Although the film's grain is slightly coarse, it adds a unique character to the photos.


Image by Sentimental_Jong

Encouraging the 'I Want to Shoot' Feeling

films encourage the 'I want to shoot' feeling with their affordable prices. For example, while the smoothness of 's 'PORTRA' film is beloved by many creators, its high cost might deter shooting certain scenes. However, with film, you'll find the courage to press the shutter in those moments. You'll likely look back and think, 'I'm glad I took that photo.'


Image by Sentimental_Jong


Image by Sentimental_Jong

Even everyday moments become special with ISO800. Whether it's with family or friends, or familiar street corners, everyday life feels richer through photography.


Image by Sentimental_Jong