
Discovery of America's Oldest Selfie | Knowledge #46


cover image by 田中ハル

Nowadays, everyone takes selfies.

With the spread of smartphones, selfies have become a common form of self-expression. Surprisingly, the history of selfies dates back to the 19th century. Historian has discovered an early selfie taken in the 1850s in America, sparking interest.

Exploring the Origins of Selfies

The talked-about photo is believed to have been taken between 1856 and 1857 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The photo features a young man, . He is dressed in a shirt and tie, a checkered vest, and a suit jacket with a velvet collar. strikes a casual pose, sitting cross-legged on a wooden chair with his left hand near his face. Notably, a cord is wrapped around his left pinky to trigger the shutter, indicating that the photo is a selfie.

19th Century Photography and Selfies

19th-century photography was cutting-edge technology and still developing. Techniques like daguerreotype and albumen prints were mainstream, making self-portraits a challenging task. The method used to take this photo was highly innovative. The use of a cord to remotely operate the shutter is reminiscent of modern selfie sticks and remote shutters.

Why Take a Selfie?

Why did take a selfie? suggests, "He was young and perhaps just having fun." This mirrors the modern trend where young people take selfies as a means of self-expression and self-affirmation. It seems that even in the 19th century, young people found joy in documenting themselves and sharing with others.


© Grand Rapids Public Library | James Minton Keeney's Selfie

This discovery shows that selfies are not just a modern phenomenon but have historical roots. It also helps us understand how methods of self-expression have evolved with photographic technology. By uncovering stories hidden in past photographs, we can gain new perspectives.