
Is It Better to Choose a Used Camera for Your First? | Focus #125


cover image by haruo

Choosing your first camera is a crucial decision that greatly influences how you enjoy photography later on. By deciding what kind of photos you want to take and establishing a certain style, you can clarify the camera equipment you wish to purchase.

While there's a tendency to be drawn to new cameras with the intention of using them for a long time, many people strongly feel that a used camera is recommended for beginners.

Benefits of Used Cameras

Cost Performance

Used cameras can be purchased at a more affordable price compared to new ones. Beginners learn what features are important to them as they actually use the camera, making a used camera ideal for minimizing initial investment.


Freedom to Experiment

Using a used camera allows you to try various types of photography without the fear of failure. By taking many shots, you can easily discover the photos you want to take and your preferred camera style. Additionally, if your desired photo style changes later, you can consider purchasing a second camera with reduced expenses thanks to the affordability of used cameras.


In other words, the financial burden is low enough to allow for early upgrades, enabling you to upgrade your camera at your own pace.

Get High-Performance Cameras at an Affordable Price

High-performance cameras that are out of reach when new can be obtained at a reasonable price in the used market. This allows you to enjoy photography with high-performance cameras.


Of course, if you have the budget or a strong preference for a specific new camera, buying new is also an option. However, in many cases, photography is a process of trial and error, and it might be wiser to gain experience before investing heavily in your first camera.

To continue your camera life for a long time, it's advisable to avoid unnecessary spending. A used camera is a choice I would recommend to many beginners, offering numerous benefits both economically and technically. Why not start your photography journey with a used camera?