
Capturing Growth: Children's Photography | Focus #136


cover image by meg

They've become so talkative.

They no longer cry when they fall outside.

They can play alone now.

Children's growth passes in the blink of an eye. That's why it's important to cherish and record these precious days. When they grow up, you can look back and laugh together, saying, 'Remember those times?' Photos help parents capture these moments.

This time, we focus on photographing children and introduce recommended scenes to capture their essence.

Unadorned Natural Expressions

The most evident sign of a child's growth is their expression. Capturing their unique smiles, tears, and surprised looks in photos allows you to feel a part of their growth. Cherish their ever-changing expressions and preserve these memories.

As children become aware of the camera, their expressions might stiffen. Use their favorite toys to lift their spirits and draw out natural expressions.


Image by KeyRabbits


Image by yu

Tiny Hands and Feet Like Dolls

Small hands and feet are also important elements that reflect growth. Capturing gestures like fingertips and soles in photos conveys the charm and rapid growth of a child. Many parents regret not taking close-up shots of their child's hands and feet. To capture the smallness, try placing an adult's hand next to the baby's foot and focus on the sole.


Image by miho


Image by fujikko

Things Found or Made with Children

For children, every day is full of new discoveries. Capture flowers and insects found in nature, handmade crafts, and paintings to convey their curiosity, creativity, and growth. To capture their quick movements, set the 'shutter speed' to a low value to reduce blur. Use modes like 'sports mode' or 'shutter speed priority mode' for moving subjects.


Image by meg


Image by Siili

Capture Parents with Children

When photographing a child's growth, capturing the bond and empathy between parent and child is also essential. Photos of shared laughter, hugs, and playtime reflect family bonds and support for growth. Cherish these memories.

Including favorite clothes, tools, and items in the photo can spark conversations years later. Try matching outfits or taking wide-angle shots to capture the era's background and characters, adding to future discussions and enjoyment.


Image by yuya4four


Image by YuKoreeda

How was it?

Photos capturing a child's growth become precious records. Preserve their changing appearances and expressions to create happy memories for both parents and children.