
Sony Develops New 247 Megapixel Medium Format Image Sensor | Release #88


cover image by GENICman

The Impact of 247 Megapixels

The rumored 247 megapixel medium format image sensor by Sony Semiconductor Solutions, expected to be announced in 2024, is a noteworthy development in photography.

Surpassing traditional 100 and 150 megapixel sensors, this sensor size holds the potential to elevate the image quality of high-end medium format cameras like the Phase One IQ4 digital back and Hasselblad H6D series, which already boast top-tier resolution.

Potential Applications Beyond Industrial Use

This new sensor, available in both color and monochrome variations, was originally developed as an 'industrial image sensor'. However, there have been instances where 'industrial image sensors' were used in consumer cameras, such as the Fujifilm GFX 100 and Hasselblad X series.


Image by .aco.

The day when Sony's 247 megapixel medium format image sensor is adopted in next-generation medium format cameras and high-performance photography equipment may not be far off. This could be an example of promoting the 'democratization' of advanced photography technology. As high-performance sensors become more affordable, more people will be able to capture and share high-quality images.

Unprecedented Textures and Vivid Colors

The 247 megapixel medium format image sensor offers unprecedented resolution.
For instance, when capturing distant landscapes, it can clearly capture the details of each tree in the distance or the window frames of far-off buildings. In portrait photography, it will allow for more realistic representation of skin texture and the sparkle in the eyes.
It also supports high-speed shooting at 5.3 frames per second, and with bitrate adjustments, even faster shooting speeds can be achieved. This allows for high-resolution continuous shooting in scenarios like sports events or wildlife photography, where capturing fast-moving subjects is crucial.


Image by AK

Sony's new sensor is poised to be a significant milestone in photographic technology. It holds the potential to open new realms of perception in scientific research, surveillance systems, and of course, the world of art.