
#notopeninsula Two Months After the Noto Earthquake | Focus #45


On January 1, 2024, just as the new year began, the Noto region of Ishikawa Prefecture was struck by a sudden major earthquake, causing significant damage. The shaking lasted only a few minutes, yet it transformed the landscape and deeply affected the lives of many people. Two months have passed since the disaster, and while some normalcy is returning, many challenges remain. In such circumstances, it is crucial to convey the real voices from the affected areas to understand what is happening and what is needed on the ground.

This time, we conducted a valuable online interview with Kumi, who is deeply involved with #notopeninsula. From the affected Noto region, we delved into Kumi's evolving mindset amidst the challenging circumstances, the current state of the Noto area, and her outlook for the future.

Sudden Disaster and Chaos

"Why did this have to happen at the start of the new year..."

During the New Year's celebrations, everything changed with the sudden earthquake and tsunami warning. The city suffered extensive damage, and many people were forced to live in evacuation shelters.


Image by Jang Kumi

Feelings Immediately After the Disaster

The chaotic fear during the earthquake and the ensuing unstable days cast a deep shadow on the hearts of each survivor. Losing homes and the foundation of their lives, the uncertainty of the future weighed heavily on them.
"In the moment when everything changed, we had to seriously consider what to do and how to move forward," Kumi recalled.


Image by Jang Kumi

Capturing and Remembering

"In difficult times, pointing the camera at painful scenes is emotionally challenging," Kumi said. However, she picked up her camera to somehow document the situation. Her motivation was the belief that "conveying this situation to future generations is one action we can take." The rubble, collapsed houses, and changing natural landscapes—photos can be a powerful tool to convey the unspeakable reality.


Image by Jang Kumi

"As the rubble is cleared, the former landscapes will disappear, leaving nothing behind. At that point, something new will begin to be built, but if I don't preserve the last appearance of this place that we are witnessing now in memory and record, I can't be at peace," she explained. What is here now will eventually be gone. She hopes for a swift return to peaceful living, but she does not wish to forget the memories of the disaster.

The Road to Recovery is Still Long

While basic infrastructure is being restored, many residents of the Noto Peninsula continue to live in harsh conditions in temporary housing. "Indeed, electricity has been restored, and water has started flowing from the taps, but that alone does not mean we have returned to our previous lives," residents lament. Even with the restoration of lifelines, many challenges remain, such as housing, jobs, and the quality of daily life.


Image by Jang Kumi

More seriously, in small villages, water restoration is delayed, and some residents must transport water from nearly 10 km away. "There are towns where water has not reached, and securing water for daily use requires long-distance travel," illustrating the harsh realities on the ground. Even though the restoration of lifelines appears to be progressing on the surface through media reports, the reality is that life in the affected areas is still far from the normalcy of the past.

Ongoing Calls for Volunteers and Support

While gradually regaining daily life, there is still anxiety about the future. "We have lost our homes and jobs, yet we continue to smile. However, while gradually regaining daily life, there is still anxiety about the future. We strive to be strong, but outside support is essential. Please watch over our efforts as we make small progress. And please do not forget us. The daily life of the people in the affected areas is still far from normal," Kumi appeals.


Image by Jang Kumi

Volunteering is not limited to visiting the site directly. Donations, material support, and spreading information are various ways to support the affected areas. Not only for those in Ishikawa Prefecture, but many people outside the prefecture also have opportunities to extend a helping hand to these issues in the affected areas.

Volunteer recruitment information can be checked on the Ishikawa Prefecture website. Although activity times may be limited, NPOs and local organizations may provide unique support, such as accommodation. Reviewing this information and considering how you can help can be a big step toward supporting the affected areas.


Image by Jang Kumi


We at cizucu want to harness your creative power. This is an initiative to shine a light on the beautiful culture and nature of the Noto Peninsula and the challenges it faces. Please share photos taken in the Noto Peninsula with the hashtag #notopeninsula along with your message. With your small gestures and support, let's aim for the recovery of the Noto Peninsula together.

Charity Photo Exhibition Planned

Despite facing severe conditions, photographers from the Noto region, including Kumi, are capturing these moments. One such effort is a photo exhibition scheduled for late March in Kashiwazaki City, Niigata Prefecture.

Focusing on the Shiramaru area of Noto Town, which suffered extensive damage from tsunamis and fires and still lacks sufficient support, the "Photo Exhibition" aims to maintain ongoing interest in the affected areas. The photos capturing the beautiful landscapes of Shiramaru, which narrowly escaped the tsunami and fire damage, convey the precious scenery that is disappearing.

Finally, we express our deep gratitude to Jang Kumi for cooperating with the interview and sincerely wish for the safety of the victims and the swift recovery of the affected areas.


Jang Kumi

Born in Wajima City, Ishikawa Prefecture, and residing in Noto Town. Loves the nature, festivals, and flowers of the Noto Peninsula.

Instagram: oknt_photograph
cizucu: Jang Kumi

cover image by Jang Kumi