Geniuses possess an extraordinary curiosity and choose their passions without hesitation. When curiosity veers off its path, an adventure into another dimension begins. The gingerbread incident might be a prime example of this.
The Debut of an Edible Camera?
Canadian photographer Dmitri Tcherbadji has created an edible Polaroid-style instant film camera made from gingerbread and candy.
A new category, the Eatable Camera, has emerged, distinct from the Portable Camera. This innovative camera uses a sugar-made lens and employs instant film, allowing actual photo capture.
Dmitri Tcherbadji struggled to find the right thickness for the gingerbread but succeeded with his wife's advice. He also added a small screen to test the projection of the sugar lens. Although the photo quality is inferior to that of a regular glass lens, he comments, "Photos born from bread and sugar always excite me."
Tasting Event Scheduled for December
This project cost about $220, mostly wasted on Instax film during prototyping. Dmitri Tcherbadji appreciates the Instax Square development unit, noting that instant film is suitable for experiments as it allows immediate review of results.
In fact, a tasting event to eat this camera is planned with friends in December, and until then, he plans to enjoy shooting with gingerbread to his heart's content.
He plans to broadcast the tasting event on his Instagram and blog, so if you're interested, please check it out!