
Why is the Hinomaru Composition So Easy to Understand? | Knowledge #3


A Question That's Hard to Answer

Some concepts or notions are so self-evident that when asked 'why', it becomes difficult to explain the reason in words. For photographers, 'composition' is a common language. While it's possible to define composition, explaining its function or role in photography is not easy.

The 'Knowledge' series delves into photography-related knowledge and stimulates thought. This time, we explore the function and role of the basic composition known as the Hinomaru composition in photography.

A Composition That Guides the Gaze

What is composition?

There are several expressions, but basically, composition can be considered as 'structure'. Like a script in a movie. A well-crafted script guides the audience's emotions into the story, just as a well-crafted composition guides the viewer's gaze to the message the work wants to convey. The role of composition is to lead the gaze to the main subject of the work. Composition can be considered a kind of shared rule to convey the message or intent of the work.


Image by Ray

A Message That Directly Asks

Among the various subdivided compositions, the most commonly known is the Hinomaru composition, where the subject is placed in the center of the frame. The Hinomaru composition emphasizes the subject and is direct. It is visually concise, focuses on a specific subject, and powerfully and clearly conveys the subject.


Image by Mori

Simplicity Can Sometimes Be a Poison

On the other hand, the simplicity of the Hinomaru composition requires caution. It is a well-known general structure and can sometimes lack visual freshness. Depending on the context surrounding the subject, the interest of the photo can be easily influenced, and it may be perceived as 'there it is, just there,' making it difficult to include other messages.

However, if you can focus on a subject that no one has noticed and re-question the essence of that thing, a new story may emerge. Even if simple, 'beautiful things are just beautiful,' and it holds the potential to be a visually gentle and pleasant piece.

Cizucu Presents 'Visual Symphony in Round'

With its simple and direct characteristics, the Hinomaru composition may reflect everything a photographer sees in a straightforward manner. For those with a good eye, simply shooting in the Hinomaru composition when in doubt might result in an attractive photo.

Lastly, from October 28, 2023 (Saturday) to November 27, 2023 (Monday), a photo contest themed around the Hinomaru composition, 'Visual Symphony in Round', will be hosted by Cizucu. We invite creators to share the straightforward world they see through the contest.