
The Aura of Unearthed Photographs | Knowledge #2


Approaching the Source of Inspiration from Words

How do you introduce yourself? At an event I attended, a creator introduced themselves by saying, "I do photography," which made me realize something about the aura of the moment. The difference between "taking photos" and "doing photography" can reflect one's perspective on photography, much like the placement of a comma can change the meaning of a sentence.

While I used to think of photography as something to "take," it can also be seen as something to "do."

Such seemingly unquestionable truths, when viewed from a different angle, reveal gaps that we might call inspiration.

Inspiration is supported by a multitude of sensory experiences. Meanwhile, building a castle of words can form knowledge. Delving into photographic theory is a different kind of exploration of photography's allure.

Perhaps his sense of "doing photography" connects to what we've been discussing.

The 'Knowledge' series explores and deepens our understanding of photography. Following Knowledge #1, we will delve into how photographers perceive and apply the concept of aura in their work.

Photographs that Turn Street Corners into Ruins, Context Added Later


The value of a singular moment of "now" and "here."
Yet, aura can also be captured from scales that are not decisive moments, like a couple kissing in front of the Paris City Hall or a fish leaping up a waterfall.

Atget was a photographer who captured early 20th-century Paris. Originally aspiring to be a painter, he turned to photography to make a living, gaining recognition for his skills. For Atget, photography was not an expression but a livelihood. His photos of Paris, taken with a sense of detachment, appear constrained but have gained artistic value posthumously, elevating photography from a mere replication technique to an art form.


The unique aura of Atget's photographs lies in their ability to eternally preserve the fading visage of old Paris in today's modern cityscape. They portray a surreal portrait of Paris without crowds, capturing a historical essence.

What might have seemed constrained to Atget now vividly illustrates the ruins of a bygone Paris to us. Like the Colosseum, which remains a historical site despite its modern-day visitors, Atget's photos continue to preserve the historical truth of Paris. Over time, the aura of Atget's photographs will only grow in value.
