The Biggest Difference: 28mm vs 40mm Focal Length
The most significant difference between the GR III and GR IIIx is their focal length. Each lens specification is as follows: GR III has a fixed focal length lens of 18.3mm (equivalent to 28mm in 35mm format) F2.8, while GR IIIx features an 18.3mm (equivalent to 40mm in 35mm format) F2.8 fixed focal lens.
From the previous GR III to the GR IIIx, a narrower angle of view is provided. Below are sample shots from the cizucu editorial team.
GR III Sample
GR IIIx Sample
There is no significant difference in the degree of bokeh when out of focus. However, the width of the focal length gives a different impression of the subject.
GR III Sample
GR IIIx Sample
In summary, GR III captures the 'overall atmosphere and ambiance' of the subject, while GR IIIx delves 'deep into the essence of the subject material.'
GR DIGITAL (Early Model) Sample @sentimental_jong
Editorial Thoughts on the GR Series
One of our editors (J), who has been a fan since the early GR I camera, appreciates how the GR series, while suited for street snaps, offers a unique way of capturing photos with a wide angle that approaches objectivity. The GR series immerses photographers in the role of a 'solitary observer of the city.' From this perspective, the GR IIIx might be categorized as 'unlike the typical GR' within the series.
However, despite its compactness, the excellent depiction and honest photo-taking capabilities create a shared circle among camera enthusiasts known as GR users. The GR IIIx, in this continuum, might have sparked a GR revolution by drawing out an unprecedented level of artistic expression.