
#2024 | A Look Back at 2024 Through Photos | Focus #383


Cover photo by Tenzen Hiraoka

Thank you for all the submissions to the hashtag campaign that was held recently.

We conducted a hashtag campaign to reflect on the year 2024 with photos taken throughout the year!

From the works collected in this campaign, we will feature and introduce a few selected pieces.

Editor’s Choice #2024


Photo by Toshiya Nagayama

Toshiya Nagayama
A man sitting on a park bench
The presence of a bird creates a serene atmosphere

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo capturing a moment in the park. The wooden fence, the slightly hunched back, the casually hung umbrella, and the bird perched at a slightly higher spot—all elements come together to create a calming image. It would be difficult to intentionally create this arrangement and composition. A beautifully captured moment of serendipity.


Photo by Tsubasa Mfg

Tsubasa Mfg
Although I have fewer opportunities to take photos now, in the first half of 2024, I took pictures every time I saw an electric scooter.

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of a person riding an electric scooter. Particularly in urban areas, the spread of rental electric scooters has progressed, becoming a social issue concerning traffic rules. It's a scene that has become familiar now, and the photo strongly conveys the characteristic of photography as a medium that stops and preserves time. Will it become a relic of the past in a few years, or will it become a commonplace infrastructure?


Photo by Teradarate

One of the iconic scenes of this year

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of a beach with a no-swimming sign and no people. In August 2024, the Cabinet Office issued a warning about a potential Nankai Trough megaquake. Looking back, such a megaquake did not occur, but there was minor chaos, such as panic buying of water. The photo is completed with this background information.

In Conclusion

How was it?

What kind of year was 2024 for you? As time passes moment by moment, let's capture as many days and photos as possible to enrich our camera life!

At cizucu, we conduct hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire photographic activities. Register on the app and check out the latest content.