
Tips for Reflection Photography Using Natural Light and Camera Settings | Focus #355


Cover photo by hideyasu

Reflection photography is an enchanting method to capture the beauty of nature from a new perspective. Especially, landscapes reflected on water surfaces can move viewers deeply.

This time, we introduce techniques for creators attempting reflection photography to maximize the use of natural light, effective camera settings, and characteristics of recommended shooting spots.


Photo by gs_pilot

Techniques for Using Natural Light

The use of natural light is key when photographing reflections. The golden hours of morning and evening, when the light is soft and adds depth to colors, are ideal times.


Photo by sei ♫

Cloudy days are also advantageous. Clouds diffuse the light, making it easier to capture reflections with even lighting. This allows you to use natural light to your advantage and bring out the charm of reflection photography to the fullest.

Camera Settings and Equipment Selection

To effectively capture reflection photography, appropriate camera settings and equipment selection are crucial. Set the aperture to around F8 to F11 for sharp images. Keep the ISO sensitivity low and use a tripod to slow down the shutter speed, preventing camera shake while capturing clear reflections.

Using a polarizing filter allows you to adjust the strength of reflections, enabling you to express more vivid reflections.

Choosing the right location is also important for reflection photography. Lakes, ponds, and calm rivers are ideal places that create mirror-like reflections. Even in urban areas, unexpected spots like rain-soaked roads or parks with fountains can produce reflections.


Photo by yuki

By choosing a nature-rich location and focusing on the harmony between the landscape and the water surface, you can create works that captivate the hearts of viewers.