
Discovering Through Deliberate Blur | Focus #280


Cover image by masakun

Thank you for all the submissions to the hashtag campaign that was held recently.

We will feature and introduce several works from the submissions gathered during this campaign.

Editor’s Choice #Blur


Image by yuko.

Summer Night

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of a summer night with an overall blur. The lights of the city are dotted around, and the shadow of a child can be seen faintly. The overall blur evokes a sense of temporal distance and stimulates the imagination, making it a wonderful photo.


Image by me..

Laundry Index 100 Percent

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of clothespins against a blue sky. The theme of blur is well captured, and the creativity and quality of the photo are impressive. The distinction between what is in focus and what is blurred is clear, making it a perfect fit for the theme.


Image by RYUURI

[Frog out of focus]
Sometimes a slightly soft focus is cuter @‘^’@ Ribbit

cizucu Editorial Team
A photo of a frog sitting on a leaf. As the caption suggests, not having a sharp focus can add charm. The combination of the creature 'frog' and 'soft focus' seems to work well.

In Conclusion

What did you think?
Focusing is a fundamental skill everyone learns when starting photography, but sometimes not focusing or creatively using focus can be effective.

Focusing on focus might lead to new inspiration and a step up in your photography journey!

At cizucu, we hold hashtag campaigns and photo contests to inspire photography activities. Register in the app and check out the latest content.