
How to Maximize Bokeh in Photography | Focus #274


Cover image by the Oji brown

Currently, the 〈#Bokeh〉 hashtag campaign is ongoing.

Photos that skillfully use blur are sometimes described as having a 'bokeh effect'.

In photography, 'bokeh' can effectively highlight the subject and add depth and emotion to the entire photo.


Image by sora.KagiAke

The Difference Between Intentional Bokeh and Out-of-Focus

While both intentional bokeh and out-of-focus shots have blurred backgrounds, their purposes and effects differ significantly.

Intentional bokeh is achieved by skillfully adjusting camera settings to highlight the subject, often using an open aperture or a lens with a long focal length. This softens the background, drawing attention to the subject.

On the other hand, out-of-focus occurs when the focus is misplaced, creating unintended blur that usually requires correction. While intentional bokeh is appreciated as an aesthetic element, out-of-focus is often considered a mistake.

Camera Settings for Beautiful Bokeh

To capture photos with beautiful bokeh, adjusting camera settings is crucial. The aperture (F-stop) is the most fundamental element; opening the aperture effectively blurs the background.

Additionally, using a telephoto lens or a lens with a long focal length can emphasize the strength of the bokeh. The shooting distance is also important; adjusting the distance between the subject and the background can control the quality of the bokeh.


Image by masakun

Compositions and Techniques to Enhance Bokeh

A deep understanding of composition and shooting techniques can lead to photos where bokeh truly shines.

Choosing the right background is key to enhancing bokeh. Complex backgrounds can make bokeh appear cluttered. Using simple backgrounds or light sources can highlight the bokeh effect. Incorporating a layered structure with surrounding elements can also create visual depth, making the subject stand out.

By combining these techniques, you can achieve more refined and artistic bokeh effects.


Image by えみ

In Conclusion

What do you think?
Instead of just blurring, why not try shooting with the intention of creating bokeh?

While honing your instincts is important, being able to logically produce intended appeal can make your photography life more fulfilling.

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