
Why Do Photos Reveal Who You Like? | Knowledge #60

Have you ever looked back at your photo folder and found mostly pictures of that one person?

You might not even realize how much you were thinking about them when you pressed the shutter. This might actually be proof of affection. This time, we explore why photos might reveal who you like.

The Will to Press the Shutter

Taking a photo is not something that happens by chance.

Deciding to press the shutter means your heart was moved, even just a little. Which moment to capture, which expression to seize, is a decision made, even unconsciously. When taking photos of someone you like, you may find yourself trying not to miss their wonderful moments.


Image by ぽせいどん

Different Feelings from the Same Portrait

Each photo holds a small story.

The moments you capture can express what kind of person they are. When photographing someone you care about, it's natural to try to bring out their charm. Looking back at photos can help you reaffirm your feelings at that time.


Image by 佐藤亜梨沙 | Sato Arisa

Looking Closely Because You Like Them

Photos reflect the photographer's emotions.

When photographing someone you like, unconsciously trying to capture their good expressions or gestures is a sign of affection. This can convey the photographer's feelings to the viewer.


Image by 中嶋 凌 / Nakajima Ryo

This is why photos can reveal who you like. The photos carry the photographer's affection and thoughts. Especially if there are noticeably more photos of that person compared to others, it might be obvious who you like.


Image by shizuku

What do you think?

Love is an active action, and taking photos is also an active act. Look back at the photos you have now. They might reflect hidden emotions within your heart.