
Capture Professional-Quality Photos with iPhone | Focus #222


cover image by daphoto

The Impressive Capabilities of the iPhone Camera

Sometimes carrying a DSLR can be a bit cumbersome. Did you know that the latest iPhone can take photos that rival those of a DSLR? This time, we will specifically introduce how high-performing the iPhone camera is.

Deep Fusion and Night Mode

The iPhone's 'Deep Fusion' feature combines multiple images to maintain high detail, especially effective in medium-light scenes, reproducing natural textures. Additionally, 'Night Mode' captures clear photos even in low light by reducing noise and automatically adjusting ISO values, making it recommended for photography beginners.


Image by Toshiya Nagayama

Photo Formats for Flexible Editing

The latest iPhone allows shooting in ProRAW format, enabling fine adjustments to exposure and white balance, greatly expanding editing possibilities. Furthermore, Smart HDR 4 adjusts the best exposure and color for each scene, capturing perfect shots in any situation.


Image by Mori

Mastering iPhonism with Examples

Check out the examples of iPhone photography posted on cizucu to experience the capabilities of the iPhone camera.


Image by Keiichi Raido


Image by littlekiss photography


Image by techi☺︎

Photo Contests for iPhone Users

Did you know that the iPhone Photography Awards (IPPAWARDS) is held annually for iPhone users? It invites submissions of photos taken with iPhones from around the world and recognizes the most outstanding works. Why not make a world-class debut with your iPhone? Try it as a way to showcase your work.

How about it? Capture the hidden beauty and special moments in your daily life with your iPhone. By fully utilizing the camera features, you can express your own story through photos.