
It's Okay Not to Be Perfect: The Charm of Heta-Uma Photography | Focus #166


cover image by tenki

When taking photos, you don't always need to aim for perfection. Recently, a style known as 'Heta-Uma' has gained attention. These are photos that may appear technically imperfect but leave a lasting impression. Let's explore the charm of Heta-Uma photography.

What is Heta-Uma Photography?

Heta-Uma photography refers to photos that might be slightly out of focus or have an unconventional composition, yet captivate the viewer's heart. Examples include slightly blurred photos taken with friends or casual scenes from a trip.


Image by TATSU

The Importance of Relatability

Perfect photos are undoubtedly beautiful, but they can sometimes feel distant. Heta-Uma photos are different. Their slight imperfections make them feel achievable, resonating with many people.


Image by NOBU

Capturing Genuine Emotions

The greatest charm of Heta-Uma photography is its ability to capture emotions. Photos that capture moments of laughter with friends or natural expressions, even if not technically perfect, resonate deeply with viewers.


 Image by ノスタルジックパトロール

Valuing Everyday Moments

Heta-Uma photos can be taken without special locations or expensive cameras. Capturing everyday moments with a smartphone can create wonderful Heta-Uma photos, like a moment at a café with friends or a relaxing time in the park.


Image by あゆみ

Heta-Uma photography allows you to express yourself without overthinking the technical aspects. The key is to capture freely, just as you feel.

Tips for Heta-Uma Photography

The key to taking Heta-Uma photos is to relax and enjoy. Try keeping the following points in mind:

  • Capture Natural Moments: Shoot without posing, in a natural state.
  • Value Emotions: Feel the emotions and atmosphere of the moment as you press the shutter.
  • Don't Strive for Perfection: Shoot with creative freedom, without being overly concerned with technique.


Image by saciiiko

The charm of Heta-Uma photography lies in its imperfections and emotional strength. By not striving for perfection and shooting in your own way, you can create unique photos. Why not enjoy photography more freely, without being bound by technique? Your photos might just become memorable to someone.