
Let's Talk About Photos with a Beer in Hand | Focus #66


cover image by たけやん

Everyone, the battle with hunger begins again today. As you scroll through the screen, you hear a voice from your stomach saying, 'I want to eat that...'.

At that moment, we become completely captivated by food photos. But this time, we won't just end by looking at delicious photos.

May your meals become a small escape from routine. The next time you encounter a food photo, instead of thinking 'I want to eat that...', we hope to bring you a moment where you think 'Ah, I want to experience this!'.

This edition focuses on 'Beer'! The frothy golden drink that quenches your thirst. Let's fully immerse ourselves in the crispness and flavor felt through the screen, and the unique charm of beer.

The Comfort of a Draft Beer #DraftBeer

A draft beer signals the end of a workday.

The moment the golden liquid is poured into a glass mug and the foam slowly settles, it's as if a busy day finally takes a breather. As the cold beer flows down your throat, it washes away fatigue and stress.

As the bubbles burst, it feels like the world is moving in a slightly better direction. It's a drink to heal today and motivate you for tomorrow.


Image by marusuke


Image by Tsubasa Mfg

Savoring Craftsmanship #CraftBeer

Craft beer is a form of storytelling.

From the choice of hops to the roasting of malt, it's enjoyable to slowly appreciate the craftsmanship of the maker. When sipping a slightly bitter IPA, you might find yourself muttering a cheesy line like, 'This bitterness is just like life...'. Imagining the maker while letting yourself drift into a chill time with music isn't a bad idea.


Image by たけやん


Image by Yusei

Hidden Relaxation Time #HomeBeer

Transforming your home into a secret base for one night with home beer time. Watching a movie with a beer in hand in your usual cozy room.

Or perhaps playing your favorite playlist. While looking back at old photos on , you might think, 'Everyone was so young back then...'. Feeling a bit nostalgic, you might post a memorable photo on . Home beer brings a small moment of relaxation to your daily routine.


Image by eriko


Image by yutaphoto

cizucu's Photo Contest 'Are You Hungry?' is Ongoing

Currently, cizucu is hosting a photo contest themed 'Appetizing Food' from January 27, 2024 (Sat) to April 7, 2024 (Sun). Through this magazine, those looking for beer snacks, please share photos of what you want to eat now through the contest!