
Introducing 'Spotlight' to Convey the 'Quality' of Photos Beyond 'Likes' | Focus #65


cover image by Amo


The 'Spotlight' series is gaining attention in the cizucu community. 'Spotlight' is a magazine project where creators praise each other's works and share new perspectives. Through 'Spotlight', we aim to share our passion for photography and inspire one another.

The Joy of Praising Each Other's Works

What you see through the viewfinder is a world of your own. While shooting might be a solitary task, the joy that comes from sharing photos can be a driving force.

At cizucu, we believe that conveying the 'quality' or 'favorite parts' of a photo through words is more meaningful than a 'like' that takes just a second. 'Spotlight' was born from this belief.

Enhancing Skills by Observing Photos

Observing and verbalizing other creators' photos is more mentally engaging than one might imagine. If it's challenging, start by sending simple impressions using 'Spotlight' articles as a reference.

As you get used to it, try mentioning aspects like composition and lighting. The observational skills you develop will surely benefit your future shoots.

Easily Contribute from the App

Contributions can be made easily from the app, anytime and anywhere.


Simply tap the 'Spotlight' icon to be smoothly guided to the contribution form. We look forward to your perspective creating new waves within the cizucu community.

Incentives for Contributions

Anyone registered with the cizucu app can contribute to Spotlight. If your Spotlight contribution is featured in the cizucu magazine 'Spotlight', the following incentives are available.

  • Contributor of Spotlight... 250 yen credit added within cizucu
  • Recipient of Spotlight... 250 yen credit added within cizucu

In Conclusion

Your photos enrich the cizucu community and foster its growth. Believe in the power of photography and maximize its value by participating today. We eagerly await your contributions.

Let's shine a light on someone's creativity through 'Spotlight'!