
Exploring Coffee Stories and Photography Tips with a Camera in Hand | Focus #62


cover image by Ryuji Azuma

You, who go to cafés and take pictures of coffee.

A cup of coffee that blends into the cozy scenery of the café.

The time to choose coffee, hot or iced, according to your mood or the weather of the day.

Today, let's spotlight 'coffee' a little away from the usual photo subjects. We have prepared little stories about hot coffee and iced coffee to make your café visits richer. Through the photos accompanying the stories, we share inspiration for capturing coffee attractively.

22 Degrees Celsius, the Turning Point for Hot and Iced Coffee

Did you know that temperature greatly influences your choice of coffee? In fact, many coffee shops start preparing iced coffee when the temperature hits '22 degrees'. This temperature is typical in Japan from around April to June, where it's comfortable in long sleeves, and you can even wear short sleeves under the midday sun.

Scenes that Suit Hot Coffee

Hot coffee allows you to enjoy the difference in taste due to 'temperature changes'. Compared to iced coffee, you can feel a richer flavor, and there are actually many coffee lovers who enjoy hot coffee all year round.

Moreover, when you add the thought 'there's no need to rush through life, let's enjoy the changes slowly', it creates the perfect situation to savor hot coffee.


Image by yNAK

Capturing Warm Emotions

When photographing hot coffee, focus on the steam and the details of the cup to visually express warmth. It's important to add emotion and storytelling to the photos by utilizing the scenes of enjoying coffee and the softness of natural light.


Image by Shimakou

Scenes that Suit Iced Coffee

Iced coffee lets you savor the summer vibe. Especially on busy days, you might find yourself wanting to gulp it down regardless of the season.

In fact, among the cizucu team, there are members who choose iced coffee even in winter. When you need caffeine, iced coffee, which you can drink immediately, is a very attractive option.


Image by fujikko

Capturing a Summer Drink

When photographing iced coffee, choose a clear glass and highlight the layers of ice and coffee with bright light. Additionally, by using summer landscapes or everyday café scenes as a background, you can emphasize a refreshing atmosphere.


Image by Kou

Enjoying Beyond Preferences

Choosing according to your mood and environment helps you capture and express the deeper charm of coffee.
Ultimately, enjoying it at your preferred timing and according to your taste is important.

It's wonderful to have a strong belief in drinking only iced coffee or only accepting hot coffee. Choosing hot coffee in the middle of summer or iced coffee in the middle of winter is not necessarily out of place.

However, if you can choose according to your mood and situation, the range of enjoying coffee should expand. Keep these thoughts about coffee in the back of your mind, and enjoy a weekend visiting cafés with a camera in hand!