
#Osaka | Must-Visit Photography Spots | Focus #47


New scenes encountered on a journey and the comforting views seen every day—landscape photography evokes the history and culture nurtured in those places. It is closely tied to personal memories, capturing the gaze of people. Each time you look through the lens, it reveals a different expression. This series focuses on works that explore such potential-rich landscapes.

The first installment introduced Tokyo, the capital of Japan. In the second installment, we focus on the creative works captured in the vibrant city of Osaka.

Familiar Vibrant Places #street

"Welcome!" "Thank you!" "Much obliged!" It feels like you could become friends with anyone now. Osaka has such a friendly atmosphere.

With its retro vibe and unique arcade streets, lively banter fills the air. Just a step into the backstreets, and you'll see people freely enjoying food and conversation. Now is the time to explore Osaka, where every generation energetically enjoys life.


Supporting the Kitchen of the Nation from Behind #bay

Osaka, also known as "Naniwa," is historically renowned for its rich fishing grounds, with a name derived from "fish garden."

Away from the bustling city center, you can feel the sound of the sea and the scent of the tide. The octopus in the takoyaki from a street stall might have been caught here this morning...?

Like the fishermen heading to the sea every day, creators too must always be ready with their cameras, waiting for "that moment."


Breathtaking Scenery Awaits #nature

Beyond the urban landscapes, Osaka boasts a wealth of beautiful, unchanging nature. Besides snapping small plants by the riverside or in parks, you can take a train ride to capture breathtaking views rarely seen.

Natural landscapes, with their rarity, captivate viewers. Let's immerse ourselves in the tranquil world away from the hustle and bustle.


Gentle Glow of Riverside Neon #night view

Bright neon signs and flashy graphic billboards. At night, Osaka transforms into a fantastical landscape with illuminated buildings. There are spots to enjoy the night view from observation decks, and the view from skyscrapers is particularly jewel-like.

In places adorned with the dazzling sparkle from the Showa era, you can enjoy a different kind of experience than during the day. Or you might encounter a world of perfect balance created by the lights and the river's surface. Let's head to Osaka, where inspiration is scattered everywhere.


Share Your City with #都市

Because memories often connect with images, landscapes can resonate with many people's hearts, enriching our works. So, where shall we head next?

Introduce your city with the hashtag #都市. Share special places, favorite landscapes, and unforgettable spots with us. The cizucu editorial team might check your post and feature it in the cizucu community.

cover image by the Oji brown